Wednesday 30 July 2014


The biosphere includes the earth’s water, the lower atmosphere and the uppermost portions of its crust in which organisms live. Energy flows one way through the biosphere and materials move through  it on a grand  scale to influence ecosystems everywhere. The distribution  of species through the biosphere is an outcome of the earth’s history, topography, climate and  interactions among species. The average weather conditions., including temperature, humidity, wild velocity, cloud cover and rainfall over time tells the climate. Climate variation  due to differences in  the amount of solar radiation reaching equatorial and polar regions, the earth’s daily rotation and annual oceans and the sun, the distribution of continents and oceans and the elevation of land masses. Interacting climate factor produce the prevailing winds and ocean currents, which shape global weather patterns. The weather affects soil composition and water availability, which affects the growth and distribution of primary producers in the ecosystems.

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