Thursday 31 July 2014

Ecosystem and Biodiversity

Ecosystem and Biodiversity
The ecosystem processes are controlled by diversity  and types of the plant, animal and microbial species living within a community. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, has an important role to play. For example, a large number of plant species means a greater variety of crops; greater species  diversity ensures  sustainability for all life forms; more sustainability means healthy ecosystem; a healthy ecosystem can withstand and reover from disasters.
           “ At least 40% of the world’s economy and 80% of the needs of the poor are derived from biologcial resources. In addition, the richer the diversity of life the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development and adaptive responses to  such new challenges as climate change.” The convention about Life on Earth.
   Human modifications to the living community and collective biodiversity of the arth can alter an ecosystem. The change in ecosystem will change the ecological functions. A healthy biodiversity provides a number of natural sevices for everyone that are vital to the well –being of human societies.
Eocsystem Services
(i)                  Soil  formation and prevention of soil erosion
(ii)                Nutrient recycling and storage
(iii)               Protection and conservation of water resources
(iv)              Pollutants breakdown and absorption
(v)                Climate stability
(vi)              Maintenance of ecosystems
(vii)             It provides biological resources, such as
·         Food
·         Medicinal resources and drugs
·         Wood products
·         Breeding stocks, population reservoirs
·         Diversity in genes
     (Viii)       It has social benefits

·         Research, education and monitoring
·         Tourism
·         Cultural values
There is long list ecosystem services we got  for free.
As an example, consider all the species of animals and organisms involved in a simple field used in agriculture.
(i)                  Crop byproducts feed cattle
(ii)                Cattle feeds the soil that nourish the crops
(iii)               Crops, as well as yielding grain also yield straw
·         Straw provides organic matter and fodder
·         Crops are food sources for humans and animals
(iv)               Soil organisms also benefit from crops
·          Bacteria feed on the cellulose fibers of straw that farmers return to the soil
·         Amoebas feed on bacteria making lignite fibers available for uptake by plant
·         Algae provide organic matter and serve as natural nitrogen fixers
·         Spiders, centipedes and insects gring organic matter from the soil and improve its water holding capcity
·         Spiders, entipedes and insects gring organic matter from the surface soil and leave behind enriched droppings
·         Earthworms contribute to soil fetility
(a)    They provide aerage, drainage and maintain soil structure
(b)   The earthworm  is like a natural tractor, fertilizer factory and dam combined
(v)                Industrial  - farming techniques would deprve these diverse species of food sources and instead assault them chemicals, destroying the rich biodiversity in the soil and with it the basis for the renewal of the soil fertility.
The available evidences have  identified the following certainties concerning  biodiversity an ecosystem functioning:
1.       Human  impact on global diversity has been dramatic, resulting in losses in global biodiversity at all levels, from genes and species to the enitre ecosystem;
2.        Local declines in biodiversity are even more dramatic than global declines, and the beneficial effects of many organsisms on local processes are lost before the species become globally extinct;
3.       Many ecosystem processes are sensitive to declines in biodiversity;
4.       Changes in the idenity and abundance of species in an ecosystem can be as important as changes in biodiversity in influencing ecosystem processes.

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