Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Homo erectus- (Pithecanthropus) (Java man). Sinanthropus (Peking man)
Later became extinct, discovered by Eugene Dubois from Java. 5ft. tall, 70 kg wt., could stand erect, shorter forearm, longer hind legs, low forehead, chin absent, good hunters, lived in small groups in caves, but most importantly made use of “fire” for hunting, defense and cooking (Acheulian and Mousterian culture).
Homo habilis
The “handy” man (the tool maker) discovered by Jonathan Leakey from Olduwan Gorge in East Africa developed Olduwan technology.
[PLIOCENE]( ˜ 5-8 million years ago)

First ape-man, known as “Southern Ape”, connecting link between apes and man-First fully bi-pedal (“bi” means two, “pedal” means feet) hominids, with small brains, short stature, and head balanced on neck. Discovered by husband and team of Louis and Mary Leakey.
Ramapithecus */Kenyapithecus**
 (˜15-17 million years ago) Late
Discovered from *Sivalik hills in India (**from Kenya in Africa). Both were more “hominids” (man-like) rather than Pongids (ape-like)
(˜20 million years ago)
First discovered from Africa, with a blend of monkey & ape characteristics, probably represents a common ancestor stage to great apes and man. Semi-crect posture, had arms and legs of equal length. Skull more specialized than old world monkeys.
(˜25 million years ago)
Known as “Dawn Ape”. “Most primitive ape” yet; discovered from Fayum in Egypt.
Fossils lemurs ,tarsiers & monkeys
(˜50-55 million years ago)
Iinsectivore Ancestor
(˜65-70 million years ago)
Tiny, quadraped (“quadra”-four; “ped”), arboreal

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