Friday, 19 September 2014


    The food which enters through the mouth is digested mainly in the intestine and oxygen which enters through nose is present in lungs. Both are far away from the site of the activity e.e cell or tissue. Therefore, it needs to be carried to or transported to its final destination. At the same time, waste products and cabondioxide have to be carried away from the cells or tissues and removed from the body, as they are poisonous and harmful. Both these functions are performed by the Blood Vascular System which acts as the circulating medium in humans. the circulatory system has two major components - a pulsatile pump (the heart) and a system of tubes or channels (the blood vessels).

   Heart is four -chambered organ made up of two upper chambers -right and left atria and two lower chambers -right and left ventricles. The two atria and ventricles are separated from each other by a partition -the inter-atrial septum or inter-ventricular septum, respectively. However, the atrium and ventricle of either side communicate with each other through valves. The right atrium and ventricle are connected through tricuspid valve ("Tri" means 'three') with three flaps or cusps and left chambers are joined through bicuspid valve with two flaps or cusps.

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