Wednesday, 25 February 2015


                        1.  Which one among the following is the major cause of blurring and unsharp images of objects observed through very large telescope at the extreme limit of magnification?

(a)    Air truculence of Earth’ atmosphere
(b)   Poor optical polish achievable on large mirrors
(c)    Poor racking capacitates of telescopes
(d)   Varying density of air in the earth’s atmosphere

                        2.  The polarity of an unmarked horse shoe magnet can be determined by using

(a)    A charged glass rod
(b)   A magnetic compass
(c)    An electroscope
(d)   Another unmarked bar magnet

                    3. A man is at rest in the middle of a horizontal plane of perfectly smooth surface of ice. He can move himself to the shore by making use of Newton’s

(a)    First law of motion
(b)   Second law of motion
(c)    Third law of motion
(d)   First, second and third laws of motion

     4.  Light travels in optical fiber irrespective of its shape because it is device by which signals can be transferred from one location to another. It is based on the phenomenon of

(a)    Diffraction of light
(b)   Refraction of light
(c)    Polarization of light
(d)   Total internal reflection of  light

5. Which one among the following statements is correct?

(a)    Convex mirrors are used by doctors to examine oral cavity
(b)   Concave mirrors are used as reflectors
(c)    Convex mirrors are used as reflectors
(d)   convex mirrors  should be used for shaving

Directions (Q. Nos. 119 -123) in the questions given below are two statements labeled as Assertion of the two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(a)    both  A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b)   both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c)    A is true , but R is false
(d)   A is false, but R is true

                6.  Assertion (A) radio waves bend in a magnetic field.
                         Reason (R) the eye lens of a myopic person focuses the parallel rays coming from distant objects in front of the retina 

               7.  Assertion (A) Radio waves bend in a magnetic field.
                        Reason (R) Radio waves are electromagnetic in nature.

                8. Assertion (A)   in a pressure cooker food is cooked above boiling point.
                          Reason (R) Boiling point of water increases as the pressure increases.

                 9.  Assertion (A) Heavy water is used as a coolant in a nuclear reactor.
                            Reason (R) heavy water slows sown neutrons.

              10.  Assertion (A) it is easier to swim in sea- water compared to ordinary water.
             Reason (R) Density of sea- water is higher than that of ordinary water.

              11.  the most important raw material used in the manufacture of cement are

(a)      potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur
(b)   Limestone, clay and gypsum
(c)    Transition metal oxides, sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
(d)   Limestone, sodium carbonate and silica


1.       A
2.       D
3.       C
4.       D
5.       B
6.       A
7.       D
8.       A
9.       C
10.   A
11.   D

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