Thursday, 26 February 2015

Chemistry SECTION F

                 1. A polymer which is used for making ropes and carpet fibres is

(a)    Polyacetylene
(b)   Polypropylene
(c)    Polyacrylonitrile
(d)   PVC

                  2. What is the main constituent of natural gas?

(a)    Methane
(b)   Ethane
(c)    Butane
(d)   Hydrogen

                 3. The gas used in a refrigerator is

(a)    Cooled down on flowing
(b)   Heated up on flowing
(c)    Cooled down when compressed
(d)   Cooled down when expanded

                4. Sodium stearate is a salt and used

(A)   In gun powder
(B)   In paint
(C)   To make soap
(D)   To make fertilizer

                  5. Consider the following statements regarding permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of soluble

1.       Chloride of calcium
2.       Bicarbonate of calcium
3.       Sulphate of magnesium
4.       Bicarbonate of magnesium

Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
(a)    Only 1
(b)   1  and 3
(c)    2  and 4
(d)   All of these

6.  Soda water contains

(a)    Nitrous acid
(b)   Carbonic acid
(c)    Carbon dioxide
(d)   Sulphuric acid

                   7. Match the following:

     List I                                   List II
(Element)                    (Nature of Element)

A.      Sodium                          1. Gas
B.      Phosphorus                    2. Halogens
C.      Iodine                            3. Alkali metal
D.      Radon                           4.  Transition metal   
                                                                    5. Non-metal

                               A     B     C     D
(a)      2     5      3     1
(b)     3     5      2     1
(c)      4     2      3     5
(d)     5     3      4     2

                  8. Which one of the following is used in welding industry?

(a)    Methane
(b)   Ethane
(c)    Acetylene
(d)   Benzene

                   9. Iron nails are dipped into blue copper sulphate solution. After sometime iron nails are

(a)    Dissolved and blue colour is discharged
(b)   Dissolved but blue colour is not discharged
(c)    Not dissolved and blue colour is to discharged
(d)   Not dissolved but blue colour is discharged

                   10. Non-stick cooking utensils are coated with

(a)    Black paint
(b)   PVC
(c)    Teflon
(d)   Polystyrene


Chemistry SECTION E

     1.  Which one of the following when dissolved in H₂ O gives hissing sound?

(a)    Limestone
(b)   Slacked lie
(c)    Sodalime
(d)   Quicklime

      2. Match the following:
                                         List I                             list II

A.      Vodka                       1. Apples
B.      Brandy                      2. Potatoes
C.      Cidar                         3. Barley
D.      Whisky                      4. Grapes

                 A    B    C    D
(a)     2     4    1     3
(b)   4      3    2     1
(c)    2      1    3     4
(d)   1      4    2     3

                     3. What is the role of positive catalyst in a chemical reaction?

(a)    It increases the rate of reaction
(b)   It decreases the rate of reaction
(c)    It increases the yield of the products
(d)   It provides better purity of the products

                     4. Food cans are coated with the but not with zinc because

(a)    Zinc is costlier than tin
(b)   Zinc has a higher melting point than tin
(c)    Zinc is more reactive than tin
(d)   Tin is more reactive than zinc

                     5.  Nail polish remover contains

(a)    Acetone
(b)   Bencene
(c)    Petroleum ether
(d)   Acetic and

                      6. Which allotropy of carbon is in rigid three- dimensional structure?

(a)    Graphite
(b)   Fullerene
(c)    Diamond
(d)   Carbon black

                     7. The quality of diesel oil for use in diesel engines is determined by the

(a)    Composition of the oil
(b)   Octane  number
(c)    Cetane number
(d)   Amount of additives added

                    8.  Which one among the following metals is used in fireworks to make a brilliant white light?

(a)    Sodium
(b)   Magnesium
(c)    Aluminium
(d)   Silver

                       9.  Oxygen and ozone are

(a)    Allotropes
(b)   Isotopes
(c)    Isomers
(d)   Isobars

                      10.  Which of the following is not a natural polymer?

(a)    Wool
(b)   Silk
(c)    Cotton
(d)   Teflon


Chemistry SECTION D

      1.   Which one of the following materials is suitable for water purification?

(a)    Silicones
(b)   Zeolites
(c)    Asbestos
(d)   Quartz

        2. Which are Rubles and Sapphires Chemically known as?

(a)    Silicon dioxide
(b)   Aluminium oxide
(c)    Lead tetraoxide
(d)   Boron nitrite

       3. Which one of the following glasses is used in bullet proof screens?

(a)    Soda glass
(b)   Pyrex glass
(c)    Jena glass
(d)   Reinforced glass

       4. Talc contains which of the following?
(a)    Zinc, calcium and oxygen
(b)   Calcium, oxygen and tin
(c)    Magnesium, silicon and oxygen.
(d)   Zinc, tin and sulphur

     5. Why hard water does not give lather with soap?

(a)    Hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions which form perceptible with soap
(b)   Hard water contains sulphate and chloride ions which form precipitate
(c)    pH of hard water is high
(d)   pH of hard water is less

     6. Which one of the following is correct? Setting of plaster of Paris is

(a)    dehydration
(b)   oxidation with atmospheric oxygen
(c)    hydration leading to another hydrate
(d)   combination with atmospheric

      7. In which one of the following situations a chemical reaction does not occur?

(a)    Common salt is exposed to air
(b)   Coal is burnt in air
(c)    Sodium is placed in water
(d)   Iron is kept in moist air

     8. Which of the following gases in the atmosphere is / are responsible for acid rains?

1.       Oxides of sulphur
2.       Oxides of nitrogen
3.       Oxides of carbon

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

(a)    1 and 2
(b)   1 and 3
(c)    Only 2
(d)   All of these
      9. Which chemical was an important symbol in our struggle for freedom?

(a)    Glucose
(b)   Fertilizer
(c)    Medicine
(d)   Sodium chloride

    10.  Which of the following is used as moderators in nuclear reactors?

(a)    Graphite
(b)   Paraffin
(c)    Heavy water
(d)   All of these


Chemistry SECTION C

               1. Silver ware turns black after a period of time due to formation of

(a)    Nitrate coating on silver
(b)   Sulphide coating on silver
(c)    Chloride coating on silver
(d)   Oxide coating on silver

              2. Which one of the following correctly defines the state of glass?

(a)    Crystalline glass
(b)   Super cooled liquid
(c)    Condensed gas
(d)   Liquid crystal

            3.  Which one of the following correctly defines the state of glass?

(a)    Magnesium oxide
(b)   Magnesium carbonate
(c)    Magnesium chloride
(d)   Magnesium sulphate

           4. Which one among the following methods is not effective in removing arsenic from contaminated ground water?

(a)    Boiling
(b)   Reverse osmosis
(c)    Ion exchange
(d)   Coagulation absorption

            5. Which one of the following is also called stranger gas?

(a)    Argon
(b)   Neon
(c)    Xenon
(d)   Nitrous oxide

           6. Which one of the following is a major constituent of biogas?

(a)    Carbon dioxide
(b)   Methane
(c)    Hydrogen
(d)   Nitrogen dioxide

            7. Match the following:

                                             List I                                         list II
                                       (Substance added)                  (Colour imparted to glass)
A.      Chromium (III) oxide                   1. Red
B.      Cobalt (II) oxide                         2.  Violet
C.      Cuprous oxide                            3. Green
D.      Maganese oxide                          4.  Blue


                                 A    B    C    D
(a)    2    1    4     3
(b)   3    4    1     2
(c)    3    1    4     2
(d)   2    4    1     3        
                8.  For which one of the following is the density maximum?

(a)    Chloroform
(b)   Water
(c)    Benzene
(d)   Ice

                  9. What is a mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and sulphur called?

(a)    Glass
(b)   Cement called?
(c)    Paint
(d)   Gun powder

10. Which one of the following is the softest?

(a)    Sodium
(b)   Aluminium
(c)    Iron
(d)   Lithium


Chemistry SECTION B

                        1.  Which one of the following metals is found in ‘plaster of Paris?

(a)    Calcium
(b)   Magnesium
(c)    Potassium
(d)   Sodium

  2.  Which one of the following is an element?

(a)    Topaz
(b)   Diamond
(c)    Rudy
(d)   Sapphire

                     3. Which one of the following types of glass can cut off ultraviolet rays?

(a)    Soda glass
(b)   Pyrex glass
(c)    Jena glass
(d)   Crookes glass

                    4. A bee –sting leaves an acid causes pain and irritation. The injected acid is

(a)    Methanioc acid
(b)   Citric acid
(c)    Sulphuric acid
(d)   Acetic acid

                      5. A student by chance mixed acetone with alcohol. This mixture of acetone and alcohol can be separated by

(a)    Filtration
(b)   Separating funnel
(c)    Fractional crystallization
(d)   Fractional distillation

6. Which one among the following is called philosopher’s wool?

(a)    Zinc bromide
(b)   Zinc nitrate
(c)    Zinc oxide
(d)   Zinc chloride

                    7. Consider the following statements regarding the property of hard water?

1.       Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of soluble magnesium and calcium hydrogen carbonate.
2.       Temporary hardness of water can be removed by boiling.
3.       Calgon’s method is applied to remove temporary hardness of water.
4.       Permanent hardness of water is removed by Clark’s method.

Which of the statements given above is / are correct?

(a)    1 and 2
(b)   1, 2 and 3
(c)    3  and 4
(d)   Only 2

                   8.   Which one of the following elements has valency three?

(a)    Oxygen
(b)   Lithium
(c)    Carbon
(d)   Boron

                  9. Glass is a

(a)    Vitrified liquid
(b)   Crystalline material
(c)    Semi-solid
(d)   Sublimation of iodine

                10.  Which one of the following non-metals is not a poor conductor of electricity?

(a)    Sulphur
(b)   Selenium
(c)    Bromide
(d)   Phosphorus
